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V2EX 第 129379 号会员,加入于 2015-07-29 09:21:15 +08:00
今日活跃度排名 5620
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phierus 最近回复了
7 天前
回复了 YorkWong 创建的主题 教育 明年高考,妹妹数学很差
如果赌的是 200 天逆袭的可能性,那这不是一个单选题,可以先把 mba 给她试试,哪怕 10 天半个月,如果不行,再试试 1v1 吧
17 天前
回复了 t4we 创建的主题 随想 对影视飓风视频下架视频有感
60 天前
回复了 mengyanshou 创建的主题 信息安全 Github 账号被盗了
去年我的 github 账号也被盗了,收到了邮件通知,账号绑定的主邮箱被移除,之后就无法再操作 github ,我也给 support team 提交了问题,前后 3 个月,发了 20 多封邮件,最终找回来了(可能他们烦了吧,哈哈哈)。邮件提供 github 账号操作的历史截图、被盗时收到的信息截图等,希望对你有帮助。
2023-09-14 11:35:56 +08:00
回复了 pensheyu 创建的主题 YouTube 油管评论翻译到底是什么神经逻辑
在 quora 上,找来一个办法,我试了下,有效:

Many people complain that the YouTube comment translation function only works intermittently, inconsistently, or not at all. I get it, because it happened to me countless times!

Okay, here’s a solution that actually works, but warning, it may take a couple days to begin working (as apparently YouTube takes time to process your changes). But it will eventually work, and work permanently (i.e., it has been working for me and others for months, and hopefully forever).

Here we go:

Open the YouTube app on your phone. Click on your pic/icon in the top right corner, then click on “Manage your Google account.”
On the horizontal menu bar towards the top, click on “Personal Info.” Scroll way way down and click on “Language.” Set your “Preferred language” to whichever language you want Youtube comments to be translated into (e.g., English).
Set the “Automatically add languages” tab to OFF.
Delete any languages listed under “Other Languages” as otherwise comments in those other languages will NOT be translated (probably because YouTube foolishly assumes you already understand those languages). That’s it!
Wait for a few hours up to 2–3 days for YouTube to process your changes. After at most 2–3 days, you will then be given the option to translate any foreign comments to your preferred language! I had to wait about 2 days before it started working, but it worked (and continues to work months later)!!!
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