

V2EX 第 548970 号会员,加入于 2021-06-21 19:52:03 +08:00
MrCedar 最近回复了
Y2VkYXI0OTk= 求拉
155 天前
回复了 MrCedar 创建的主题 区块链 一个小空投,大概 100
还有一个忘记说了,就是你拉的人要获得 10exp 才算有效,原文如下:
Here is a list of users who have accepted your invitation. To be included in the count, they must have at least 10 XP. Once you claim a quest, the invitations will be used up, and you can view them by changing the status in the dropdown menu below.
目前,俺的 aff 还是没生效,可以走我的,感谢
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