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2018-11-20 18:09:37 +08:00
回复了 ranleng 创建的主题 全球工单系统 使用护照入网(北京联通)被拒。
2018-11-20 18:00:35 +08:00
回复了 codechaser 创建的主题 C 请教一个关于 makefile 的问题
我学 c 时一节课,现在忘光了,参考一下

# Makefile sample illustrating separate compilation and dependencies.

# Students are welcome to use this as a starter or model, but be sure
# to replace these comments with comments relevant to YOUR assignment
# (including your name and cats login!). If the reader has to wade
# through "junk comments" you will lose credit.

# Explanatory comments follow the ``real code.''
# Everything after the # on any line is a comment

# ===================================================================
# Here we define a few important "make" variables.
# CFLAGS is platform dependent. This one is for Linux.

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -std=c99 -D_SVID_SOURCE

# The next line has the first target. Typing "make" without any names
# causes "make" to default to this target.
# A common first target would read "all: hex shuffle" but this is omitted
# because shuffle.c is not in this directory.
hex: hex.o readline.o
${CC} -o hex ${CFLAGS} hex.o readline.o

hex.o: hex.c readline.h
${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} hex.c

readline.o: readline.c readline.h
${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} readline.c

shuffle: shuffle.o readline.o
${CC} -o shuffle ${CFLAGS} shuffle.o readline.o

shuffle.o: shuffle.c readline.h
${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} shuffle.c

# ===================================================================
# The rest of this file is a tutorial and should not be submitted.
# Makefiles are used by the Unix "make" command. Do "man make" for
# (too much) information. A brief summary:

# A "make statement" goes on one or more lines.
# The first of these lines begins in the left margin.
# Subsequent lines of the same "statement" must be indented by
# one tab character (NOT spaces).
# Finally, put a blank line after the whole "statement".
# Make sure you do not have any blanks or tabs at the end of a line.


# Line 1 (the one that is not indented):
# The format is target_name, colon, dependency_names.
# White space is flexible. If this line needs to be continued
# due to a large number of dependencies, end it with backslash (\).
# Lines 2-n:
# The format is tab, unix_command (with make variables, maybe).
# A "make statement" is like a recursive procedure. It says:
# To update target_name
# first update any of the dependency_name files that are
# not up to date (use them as recursive target_names).
# Now, if any dependency_name file is NEWER than the
# target_name file, execute the unix_commands on lines 2-n.
# Being a recursive procedure, it better have a base case.
# The base cases are dependency_names that do not exist as targets
# in the Makefile, AND do not conventionally require ``making'',
# because you, the programmer, create them, often with an editor.
# Their mere existence makes them up to date.
# Object (.o) files DO require making.
# Even if you do not include a .o file as a target name,
# "make" will try (probably not successfully, unless you are a
# "make" wizard) to make the .o file with a default unix_command,
# if it does not exist in the current directory.
# Normal make commands to issue for this Makefile are "make hex" and
# "make shuffle", because these are executable programs as opposed to
# modules. "make" figures out which modules, if any, need to be
# recompiled. If you want to see what make WOULD do, without actually
# having it do anything, type "make -n hex", etc.

# However, if you want to be sure readline.c compiles correctly, before
# you try to use it as a module in another program, do "make readline.o".
# That is not a typo. Re-read the previous sentence.

# Running "make" can generate many error messages. Do
# make hex >& make.log
# to cause the errors to go into the file make.log.
# When "make" finishes you can read the file with "view", "more", or "less".
# Many later error messages can be meaningless because they were caused
# by an earlier error. Always try to correct errors in order.
2018-11-20 17:58:34 +08:00
回复了 codechaser 创建的主题 C 请教一个关于 makefile 的问题
2018-11-20 14:01:12 +08:00
回复了 dingyp 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MacPro 异响问题?
一样,每次连 teamviewer 都会异响
2018-10-30 13:03:17 +08:00
回复了 Applenice 创建的主题 程序员 V 友们给推荐款笔记本吧
@Applenice 某宝可以通过学生认证
2018-10-29 23:29:45 +08:00
回复了 kkhaike 创建的主题 问与答 [解梦]我经常梦到这个梦,有相同梦境的人吗?
2018-10-29 23:23:48 +08:00
回复了 awolfly9 创建的主题 投资 贵州茅台跌停了
对于茅台这种 10 年 10 倍的妖股,我只想说才跌了这么点。中国股市快到底了,四大巨头齐喊话,再不能维稳,那可能是全球经济崩溃了。
2018-10-29 23:13:09 +08:00
回复了 Applenice 创建的主题 程序员 V 友们给推荐款笔记本吧
xps 13 的缺点
* 个别笔记本有电流声,我的就是(谷歌 xps 13 coil whine)
* 风扇声音大
* bios bug, 电池问题
* 放腿上烫,散热一般
* 不是正规 13 寸,比 macbook 13 寸小
* windows 4k 支持不好

* 最好用的 windows 笔记本
* 支持 linux (看你选的版本,不要选 broadcom 网卡的)
* 触摸板(除 macbook 之外最好的)
2018-10-29 23:01:06 +08:00
回复了 Applenice 创建的主题 程序员 V 友们给推荐款笔记本吧
@jqin4 低配 16k, 加到 512G 18k 左右
2018-10-29 22:58:45 +08:00
回复了 Applenice 创建的主题 程序员 V 友们给推荐款笔记本吧
我用学生折扣买 15 寸 macbook pro 也就 16k 左右,还送 beats。
2018-08-10 16:09:30 +08:00
回复了 gw1992225 创建的主题 问与答 大家有看过黄渤的一出好戏和爱情电影电影版吗?哪个好看?
fetch("http://api.16820.com/newxiaoxi/fns/id/3 ")
.then((reponse)=>reponse.json()) //这里是一个 promise 对象
.then((json)=>console.log(json)) // extract json

我也是小白, 试一下。fetch 会 return 一个 promise 对象
2018-07-22 19:46:19 +08:00
回复了 krliang 创建的主题 Apple 18 款 MBP 价格感人,无奈搞个黑苹果 T470P 完美了!
其实还不如用 linux,elementary os 了解一下
2018-07-22 15:03:52 +08:00
回复了 jianghu521 创建的主题 Apple MacBook Pro 2018 开箱,简单评测
@20015jjw windows 真的适配不好,但 linux 更差... xps13 4k 屏(elementary os)遇到没有适配的 linux 软件,眼睛都快瞎了。
2018-07-22 14:50:57 +08:00
回复了 jqin4 创建的主题 Apple 出个 beats solo3 wireless 黑色的 1100, 不讲价
2018-07-22 14:43:12 +08:00
回复了 wangguoqin1001 创建的主题 问与答 大家来说说,为啥 SSH 比 SSL 慢呢
mosh 了解一下
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