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BlogSEO.ai 现在为 10K+ 用户提供服务。 我负责生长实验。AMA

  •   verfasor · 2023-10-11 16:51:38 +08:00 · 603 次点击
    这是一个创建于 375 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Hi, I'm Mighil, and I deal with all the content and growth work at BlogSEO.ai. I'm an expat and based in Chengdu. I've worked with startups and built mini-projects for the past few years. Previously, SEO and copywriting were my core focus. Now, I write for myself while working on technical projects.

    大家好,我是 Mighil,我负责博客 SEO.ai 的所有内容和增长工作。 我是一名外籍人士,居住在成都。 过去几年我一直与初创公司合作并构建小型项目。 此前,SEO 和文案是我的核心关注点。 现在,我在从事技术项目的同时为自己写作。

    For BlogSEO.ai, initially, we focused on working with KOLs, publishing our tool on AI directories, and welcoming affiliate marketers. Later, we experimented with Twitter and Reddit ads and found it cost-effective and easy to acquire new customers. Plus, having a precise landing page with an original writing style showcasing the USP helped us big time.

    对于 BlogSEO.ai,最初,我们专注于与 KOL 合作,在 AI 目录上发布我们的工具,并欢迎联盟营销人员。 后来,我们尝试了 Twitter 和 Reddit 广告,发现它成本效益高,而且很容易获得新客户。 另外,拥有一个精确的登陆页面,具有原创的写作风格,展示 USP 帮助我们取得了巨大的成功。

    When it comes to SEO, we have set the right foundation for now. We follow all the best practices instead of being too aggressive about it.

    说到 SEO ,我们现在已经奠定了正确的基础。 我们遵循所有最佳实践,而不是过于激进。

    We also noticed that having great documentation or explainer videos reduces the number of customer support tickets or questions.



    These days, we simply manage the platform and a content calendar instead of rapidly building new modules or features.


    We also learned that building a dedicated community of fans isn't necessary to sell something, even if it's niche-specific.


    Feel free to connect with me on Twitter/X @jotzilla if you'd like to chat. I am happy to provide some guidance if you have a SaaS aimed at the global market. I am happy to provide tips on improving your marketing copy (English).

    如果您想聊天,请随时通过 Twitter/X @jotzilla 与我联系。 如果您有针对全球市场的 SaaS ,我很乐意提供一些指导。 我很乐意提供有关改进营销文案的建议(英文)。

    Tools I use: 我作为营销人员和作家当前使用的工具集:

    1. Grammarly (Pro, for both marketing and personal use.)
    2. SEMRush
    3. Plausible Analysis
    4. Mailercloud (时事通讯)
    5. mighil.com/minira.php (用于编写初稿。我更喜欢以 Markdown 格式编写)
    6. Tidio (支持/聊天)
    7. Featurebase (roadmap/feature requests)
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