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[北京] FreeWheel BJ Open Position - (Sr.) Software Engineer

  •   ranxiang · 2013-06-05 04:55:07 +08:00 · 3542 次点击
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    (Sr.) Software Engineer (Web Service)

    Job Description

    An engineer in application development team will
    Design product feature, implement and operate it.
    Work with mentor to make day-to-day tech decision to grow our global business.


    Capabilities of logical and rational thinking.
    Strongly self-motivated.
    Good English skills on listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    Hands-on web system development experience and solid knowledge in the field, Ruby on Rails is preferred.
    Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field.

    Company Information

    About FreeWheel
    FreeWheel manages the economics of content for the enterprise-class world of entertainment by offering technical infrastructure for revenue rights management and business operations wrapped in advisory services. Founded and led by a team of executives from the world’s leading technology companies, FreeWheel’s solutions have already armed companies like AOL, ESPN, FOX, Sky, Turner, and VEVO with the technology and services they need to profitably scale their professional content across devices and revenue models. We are privately held and well-funded by Steamboat Ventures, Turner Broadcasting System, DIRECTV, Battery Ventures, and Foundation Capital with offices in San Mateo, New York, London, and Beijing.

    FreeWheel是目前全美最大的互联网视频广告管理技术和服务提供商。公司创建于2007年,总部位于美国硅谷,由DoubleClick公司三位前高管Douglas Knopper, Jon Heller和Diane Yu创建,并获得包括迪斯尼, 特纳广播公司, Battery Ventures 和Foundation Capital的投资,在北京设有产品研发中心,纽约、伦敦分别设有商业和客户服务中心。

    FreeWheel的创始人在美国网络广告界拥有多年的市场、产品和技术方面的经验。 作为一家快速发展的硅谷IT技术公司,凭借准确的商业模式和产品定位,高效的技术研发和运营,经过六年的发展,产品已服务于包括全国广播公司(NBC),美国在线(Aol),福克斯(Fox),特纳广播集团(旗下包括美国有线新闻网CNN和美职篮官网NBA.com),华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers),音乐视频网站Vevo,探索频道(Discovery Intl),英国天空广播公司(Sky)等知名客户。驱动全美视频广告业务流量的近三分之一,并仍在快速增长中,未来还将进行国际化业务扩张。

    FreeWheel Job Opportunity
    FreeWheel offers a dynamic and flexible work environment with competitive salary and benefits packages. We laugh until our stomachs hurt at least once a day and work harder than anyone else because we love and believe in what we’re doing. We are on a mission to shape the future of television and this is your chance to be part of it.

    FreeWheel北京研发中心全面负责公司所有核心产品的研发和运营工作,包括视频货币化权限管理系统(MRM),收入支付结算系统(RPM),MRM Analytics商业智能分析等多个产品,并横跨传统互联网、移动终端、数字电视设备等TV Everywhere平台,并与业内70多家视频内容发布管理、播放技术和广告网络伙伴建立了开发的生态系统。在这里,你有机会与世界一流的跨国技术团队和资深互联网广告业务专家一起工作,参与并见证视频广告领域的快速变革,分享公司高速成长所带来的职业发展机会。

    FreeWheel一直以能够拥有最出色、最卓越的业内团队而引以为豪。FreeWheel深知人才的宝贵,因此特别重视优秀人才对技术创新和企业持续发展的价值。FreeWheel北京研发团队大部分由朝气蓬勃,才华横溢的年轻人组成,公司的人才理念是:We are building a team of the best and brightest!

    What We can offer
    Contact Us
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: http://www.freewheel.tv/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/freewheeldottv
    Weibo: http://weibo.com/freewheel
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