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V2EX  ›  酷工作

年薪 46 万的远程产品经理职位 [无涯远程职位精选]

  •   ShawnYan000 · 2020-05-14 11:02:46 +08:00 · 1744 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1624 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    [无涯 ( wuya.work )远程职位精选] 帮国内向往自由工作的朋友们筛选优质职位,以更快的找到理想的远程工作。

    Toggl 产品负责人

    Toggl 产品负责人


    Toggl ( https://toggl.com/) 是一个易于使用且灵活的时间跟踪工具,帮助 3 百万以上用户查看工作时间,使他们可以专注于真正重要的项目,它适用于所有设备,并与 100 多种工具集成。作为产品负责人,您将监督我们的项目团队,他们将实施新的解决方案并推动我们的产品增长。您需要有 SaaS 的经验,制定和传达长期产品愿景并使用优先级排序系统(例如 Productboard )。同时需要有对数据、分析、KPI 有深刻的了解,并具有 OKR 和产品管理系统的经验。您还必须了解 UX 和市场研究。工作时间需要您在 UTC 的凌晨 6 点至下午 12 点有重叠就可以。

    • 年薪 60,000 万欧元(约 46 万 RMB )

    • 24 天带薪年假

    • 提供笔记本电脑;以及 2,000 欧元的办公环境布置费用

    • 报销联合办公空间租金,或家庭上网费用

    • 每月报销健身房、按摩推拿以及其它促进你健康的服务费用


    Toggl is an easy to use and flexible time tracking tool that helps 3+ million users see where their work time goes, so they can focus on the projects that really matter. It also works on all devices, and integrates with over a 100 tools.

    As Product Lead, you will be overseeing our Mission Teams who will implement new solutions and will drive our product growth. You will be formulating our long-term product vision and strategy, create a roadmap for the next years and will shape our product development environment. You will also be responsible for making sure there are appropriate processes for knowledge sharing between core development teams and mission teams.

    The salary for this position is €60,000 annually.

    You can work from anywhere in the world.

    The role

    We need your experience and knowledge to help us scale a world-renowned, and much-loved, SaaS brand to the next level. We expect you to bring a fresh pair of eyes to renew our product development plans and processes, making sure features are delivered on time and in scope, and making sure our product is following the business strategy. Overseeing all the Mission Team Leaders is also a significant part of the role.

    You will be in good company, too. Toggl is a team of fantastic professionals. Everyone is smart, fun and caring.

    We are profitable and self-funded, and we’re taking Toggl to the next level. Join us for the ride!

    About you

    You have previous experience in agile and SaaS - leading a product and product team, formulating and communicating long-term product vision and using prioritisation systems (e.g. Productboard). You have a strong understanding of data, analytics, KPIs, metrics and have experience with OKRs and product management systems. You must also have an understanding of UX and market research. You can work whenever you like, as long as you have a few hours of overlap with 6 AM - 12 PM UTC working hours.

    It’s a plus if you have experience in being part of restructuring in other organisations that have 75+ employees, experience in expanding a product from self-serve to enterprise customers, and some amount of technical knowledge.

    You will succeed in this role if you are self-motivated, have exceptional problem-solving skills and remain composed under pressure. Excellent written and spoken English skills are a must, and remote work experience is a plus.

    About the team

    Toggl is a distributed team of 75+ people working remotely from 30 countries. We take pride in our professional, learning-oriented and friendly working environment that values work-life balance and constantly doing our best in every aspect of our work. You can work from anywhere in the world, because we know great people do awesome work wherever they are. Every few months we travel to meet up somewhere in the world and spend some quality time together. Our business is profitable with a healthy margin and we are built with no outside investments, so you can count on a stable working environment.

    Some benefits

    • Freedom to choose when and where you work from.

    • 24 days of paid time off a year, plus your local holidays.

    • 2 company retreats and 2 team meetups a year (expenses covered) for team-building.

    • Laptop and a €2,000 budget to set up your home office.

    • Reimbursement for co-working space rent or internet service at home.

    • Opportunities to attend trainings, workshops or conferences.

    • Monthly reimbursement for gym membership, massage and other things to improve your health.

    • Support for buying a phone, eyeglasses or tools you need for doing your best work.


    • 关注「无涯远程工作」公众号,回复 wuya38 查看该职位申请方式

    • 您也可以添加微信告诉我们你的职位需求,便于我们为大家提供更有效的职位推荐,谢谢~

    5 条回复    2020-05-14 11:44:08 +08:00
       2020-05-14 11:18:04 +08:00   ❤️ 1
    60,000 万欧元 = 6 万万欧元 = 6 亿欧元?

    LZ,你们那边还缺个扫地的吗? UTC 0 点~24 点可以不间断工作的那种
       2020-05-14 11:22:25 +08:00 via Android
       2020-05-14 11:35:15 +08:00
    @polythene 抱歉 编辑错误 是 60000 欧
       2020-05-14 11:37:41 +08:00
    @hlwjia Bingo 顶一下
       2020-05-14 11:44:08 +08:00
    编辑勘误:年薪 60,000 欧元(约 46 万 RMB )

    很好的远程岗位 支持一下~
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