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Coupang Beijing 高级数据库开发工程师热招中

  •   IcyinCoupang · 2019-11-12 18:12:12 +08:00 · 916 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1804 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    关于我们: 2010 年 Coupang 在美国注册成立 2015 年 年收入达到 10 亿美元,软银投资 10 亿美元,黑石、红杉跟投,估值达 50 亿美元 2016 年 销售额翻倍,约达 17 亿美元 2017 年 收入超 25 亿美元,同比增长 40 %,第四季度销售额同比增长 60% 2018 年 第一季度销售额同比增长 80%,11 月软银追投 20 亿美元,估值达 90 亿美元。

    关于职位: Key Responsibilities: • Design and implement future architecture for database platform based on modern database engines and solutions • Large scale database server clustering, replication, and HA/DR, for MySQL, PostgreSQL or other open source databases • Build DevOps tools to help managing hundreds of database clusters and thousands of instances in cloud and on-premise environments • Build monitoring and alert tools to maintain health of the system • Database performance tuning, review architecture of transactional systems, provide design inputs • Design and implement disaster recovery processes and procedures • Design sharding and implement database middleware solution Qualifications: • 3+ years of experience RDBMS databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other) in highly available, high throughput environment • 3+ years of Linux/Unix system maintenance and troubleshooting • 1+ years of experience in database performance tuning and troubleshooting • Programming and scripting skills (Bash, Python, Go preferred) • Strong experience with benchmarking tools and da • Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent Preferred Qualifications: • Experience with various types of databases including new database engines (MPP, NoSQL, NewSQL, DBasS, etc) • Various HA and replication solutions for MySQL and PostgreSQL • Experience with AWS services such as RDS, EC2, EBS, S3, etc • Knowledge of distributed systems like Kafka, Cassandra, HBase, etc • Master's degree in computer science or equivalent • Familiarity with DevOps and SRE concepts 上班地点:北京颐堤港 感兴趣的小伙伴请联系 jessica.li@coupang.com

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