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V2EX  ›  酷工作

急急急!大数据工程师(Hadoop 方向)招聘; base 上海,要求 Hadoop 很 6 的那种,可以带团队搭一套数据平台,英文能讲,请加我微信了解详细: 934342311

  •   LucyZhang · 2019-06-10 15:14:43 +08:00 · 1453 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1967 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    1. Work on next generation UDW data platform which is built with distributed SQL engine upon Hadoop eco-system
    2. Improve the daily ETL loading process and make it more automated and error prove to handle the increasing daily data volume of our system
    3. Design the new programming interface of our Data Warehouse, which will be used to connect to its upstream and downstream applications
    4. Work with the globally distributed team members and counterparts, understand the users ’ requirements, provide production support, and implement solutions for our projects
    5. Oversee the data quality issues of the daily risk reports, carry the data reconciliation process, explain the differences, and make updates/adjustments to the data as needed

    Requirements (indicate mandatory or/and preferred): Mandatory:

    1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
    2. Experience with Hadoop ecosystem (Spark/Drill/Kylin and other distributed SQL engines) over 4 years
    3. Experience with Java core and advanced programming
    4. Strong Unix shell scripting skills
    5. Able to communicate verbally in English
    6. Experience in coordinating work on global scale
    7. Familiar with testing and development for server side applications, experience with using Spring
    8. Diligent with unit testing and quality-assurance;
    9. Able to quickly research and understand new concepts and technologies; and apply to new development
    10. Excellent communication skill to work with application users and team members Preferred:
    11. Experience with Spark/Kafka
    12. Experience with GemFire
    13. Experience with database, including UDB, Oracle SQL Server
    14. Experience with Microsoft Analysis Server and OLAP technology
    15. Understanding of financial products, specifically risk associated with fixed income and Equities products
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