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非常有趣的项目:外资金融,上海,分布式数据平台系统项目, 3 年以上 Java ;欢迎联系我微信: 934342311

  •   LucyZhang · 2019-03-13 16:57:18 +08:00 · 805 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2056 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Market Data Technology is a global Front Office technology team geographically spread across London, New York and Shanghai. To support the business growth, the “ Unity Market Data Team ” is responsible for the delivery of a strategic market data system across Global Markets. This includes mandatory and strategic projects execution, performing requirements gathering, design, development, testing, project management and governance. The team also provides a 3rd level escalation service to the support team.

    Responsibilities: The candidate will be part of a global development team with responsibility for:

    1. Analysis, design, development and implementation of the strategic market data platform
    2. System testing and deployment
    3. Application support and maintenance (3rd line)

    Requirements (indicate mandatory or/and preferred): Mandatory:

    1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at minimum
    2. At least 5 years Java development experience, with solid core Java knowledge; Rich experience in multi-threading, knowledge of JVM memory tuning is a plus;
    3. Experienced in building back-end application servers
    4. Good understanding of Distributed Systems.
    5. Good understanding of design patterns and agile technologies
    6. Knowledge of at least one RDBMS and good SQL skills
    7. Excellent communication skills to work with application users and team members • Able to quickly research and understand new concepts and technologies;


    1. Distributed data caching technologies (Gemfire, Coherence, Gigaspaces) • Real time messaging (e.g. Tibco Rendezvous, EMS, Solace)
    2. Big Data technologies (HDFS, HBase/MapR)
    3. Micro-Service technologies(Spring Cloud,Spring Boot, ServiceMesh)
    4. Time Series DB(KDB, KairosDB, OpenTSDB)
    5. Spring Framework
    6. Previous exposure to market data systems
    7. Understanding of financial products, specifically risk associated with fixed income products • Leadership skills, previous experience in project or team lead
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