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美资电商巨头 eBay 上海研发团队热招中( Java 、Big Data),老三样要求:学历(211/985)、英文(口语流利)、技术(算法、基础扎实) 如果您感兴趣请联系我微信: 934342311,谢谢!

  •   LucyZhang · 2018-12-27 10:31:10 +08:00 · 1202 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2132 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Software Engineer (Payments)

    Team introduction: eBay Payments China team plays critical roles on whole eBay ’ s versatile business. The team is building the platforms to support various areas including creating trust, secure and always available checkout/payments experience, collecting seller fees, enabling hassle-free label printing and many others. The mission of the team is to build world-class payment products/platforms to delight our customers and enable eBay ’ s growing business in a connected commerce world. Now the team is building a brand-new product to bring payments system to new level! Now the team has various open opportunities for different levels of experience. Flexible requirement on past experience, welcome smart and energetic people to join us. Ideal candidates should be tech savvy and keep themselves up to date with the latest technology.

    Major Opportunities

    1. To work on most core, secure and large scale distributed payments system that ’ s critical for success of eBay business
    2. New technology adoption and innovation and strongly encouraged
    3. To work with smart engineers with great team spirit, strong collaboration and management engagement in an open and friendly environment

    Primary Job Responsibilities

    1. Be responsible for building or testing eBay Payments system
    2. Active contributor on development of complex, multi-tier distributed software applications
    3. Design layered application, including user interface, business functionality, and database access.
    4. Work with other developers, quality engineers to develop innovative solutions that meet market needs.
    5. Estimate engineering efforts, plan implementations, and rollout system changes
    6. Participate in continuous improvement of Payment product to achieve better quality
    7. Participate in requirement/design meetings with other PD/QE from US

    Job Requirements:

    1. Excellent understanding of computer science fundamentals, algorithms and data structures
    2. BS/BA in CS or related field. MS/PhD preferred.
    3. Excellent problem solving skills
    4. Good thinking and understanding on OO programing and design patterns
    5. Proficient in Java or C++
    6. Experience with database, rational or NoSQL (Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB and etc.)
    7. Experience using Git
    8. Good communication & presentation skill
    9. Proficiency in English, with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
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