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[上海静安]招聘 Javascript 前端开发和后端开发工程师,顺便再招个兼职安卓开发工程师啦~

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  •   hazelwu · 2018-06-19 19:33:36 +08:00 · 1873 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2319 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    About Wiredcraft

    Wiredcraft is a full-stack digital agency based in Shanghai, Shenzhen & Berlin. We ’ re technologists, creatives and strategists helping the largest brands in the world design, create & grow digital solutions that impact millions of people.

    Our clients include Starbucks, Google, Walmart, Apple, Hilton, Dior, the World Bank & the United Nations. We also create our own products (e.g. devo.ps, ChatO.ps, Pipelines, SweepBoard).

    Learn more about our company and how we work on our playbook: playbook.wiredcraft.com

    Resume delivery: https://wiredcraft.com/jobs

    Android Developer

    What you ’ ll do:

    You will build large scale iOS and/or Android apps. Think native or hybrid, relying on Node.js APIs, used by tens of millions of users.

    On a day-to-day you will:

    • Contribute to products from design to delivery. You won ’ t do everything, but we expect you to care about architecture, user experience, tech stacks, testing, deployment …
    • Write elegant code: maintainable, scalable and testable. We care about details.
    • Help the team improve and teach others. We all try and improve the way we build products and help each other continuously

    We are looking for someone who:

    • Has 3+ years experience with iOS or Android, and is proficient with Swift or Kotlin. You should have at least one project that you ’ d be proud to show us, or even better an active GitHub profile.
    • Knows Storyboard/Autolayout (for iOS developers) or ConstraintLayout (for Android) inside out. We love them, and hopefully you do too.
    • Loves Open Source. We actively contribute to Open Source and run events that attract thousands of people (like JSConf China).
    • Is transparent and wants to learn. We ’ re constantly trying out new technologies, challenging each other and discussing things in the open.
    • Value UI/UX and code quality. We all play an important role in shipping products that people want. This starts with designing for users and writing elegant code (think unit testing, MVVM).

    Backend Developer

    Come hack with with Node.js, Golang and Python building apps for millions of users

    You could be working with our awesome team:

    1. Using the latest tech and concepts: Node.js, Golang, Microservices, Gateway, Couchbase, Message queues, ElasticSearch and many more. We constantly explore the new technologies and use the right tools to solve the right problems.

    2. Opportunities to contribute back to Open Source. Most of us are contributing back to projects, sending PR or simply publishing our own side projects. We also organize meetups and conferences, like JSConf China (over 1000+ people showed up last year).

    3. Building cool things; we build really impressive things for Starbucks, Walmart, Hilton, Dior, the World Bank … And when we ’ re not busy doing Big data work for USAID or building the next generation of mobile apps for millions of Chinese users, we work on our own products (devo.ps, chato.ps, SweepBoard …).

    What you will do:

    • Write elegant code. We build maintainable and testable tools. We care about details.
    • Be a problem solver and a team player. We help each other and solve problems together. The SCRUM is just a tool, not a purpose.
    • Care about a project from A to Z. You won ’ t be doing everything but you need to care about the architecture, the tech stacks, the testing, and shipping it and so on.

    We are looking for someone who:

    • Is proficient with Node.js, Golang or Python. We build microservices with Loopback, Seneca, and other frameworks.
    • A unit Testing Nerd. We place a high value on unit testing, so you need to be able to write test code.
    • Has solid knowledge of common DB, including SQL and No-SQL DB.
    • Has previous experience, overall 2+ years professional backend development experience or you should have at least one project that you ’ d be proud to show us.
    • Understands how to build loosely coupled architectures. We have our sh*t together when it comes to designing products and are similarly smart with our software. We like to use the right tool for the right job, preferring loosely coupled microservices rather than large bloated apps. We leverage Docker and get to tackle very complicated challenges.

    Javascript Front-end Developer

    We need a Javascript virtuoso to build awesomeness with React or WeChat

    What you ’ ll do: You will build large scale Javascript apps. Think React Web apps, WeChat mini-programs or React Native mobile apps, relying on Node.js APIs, used by tens of millions of users.

    On a day-to-day you will:

    • Contribute to products from design to delivery. You won ’ t do everything, but we expect you to care about architecture, user experience, tech stacks, testing, deployment …
    • Write elegant code: maintainable, scalable and testable. We care about details.
    • Help the team improve and teach others. We all try and improve the way we build products and help each other continuously.

    We are looking for someone who:

    • Has 2+ years professional experience in front-end development. You should have at least one project that you ’ d be proud to show us, or even better an active GitHub profile.
    • Knows Javascript inside out. We work with React, Redux, Webpack, WeChat Mini Programs, ES6 in the front-end and Node.js in the backend (also Golang and Python).
    • Loves Open Source. We actively contribute to Open Source and run events that attract thousands of people (like JSConf China).
    • Is transparent and wants to learn. We ’ re constantly trying out new technologies, challenging each other and discussing things in the open.
    • Value UI/UX and code quality. We all play an important role in shipping products that people want. This starts with designing for users and writing elegant code.
    5 条回复    2018-06-22 20:43:50 +08:00
       2018-06-20 10:42:54 +08:00 via Android
       2018-06-21 10:53:23 +08:00
    @s349116973 欢迎内推!简历投起来~
       2018-06-21 14:35:57 +08:00
    @hazelwu 发你邮箱还是说 直接去官网上投递就可以了?
       2018-06-22 10:22:51 +08:00
    @s349116973 直接官网投递就可以了,谢谢
       2018-06-22 20:43:50 +08:00 via Android
    @hazelwu 好的,知道了,谢谢
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