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The Humble Book Bundle: be a coder

  •   snger · 2017-12-19 15:38:01 +08:00 · 4282 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2497 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Humble Book Bundle has released a new Book Bundle! Be a Coder by no starch press! It ’ s valid today 12/18/17 until 1/1/18! Get it HERE!

    Tier $1 or more:

    • Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
    • Learn You A Haskell for Great Good!
    • Teach Your Kids to Code
    • The Linux Command Line
    • No Starch Press Sampler

    Tier $8 or more:

    • All previous Tier items
    • Land of Lisp
    • Realm of Racket
    • Clojure for the Brave and True
    • The Art of Assembly Language - Second Edition
    • Think Like a Programmer
    • The Art of R Programming

    Tier $15 or more:

    • All previous Tiers Items
    • The Art of Debugging
    • Code Craft
    • Data Visualization with JavaScript
    • Ruby Under a Microscope
    • Understanding ECMAScript 6

    Tier $18 or more:

    • All previous Tiers Items
    • Wicked Cool Shell Scripts - Second Edition
    • The Book of R
    • Gray Hat C#

    比较推荐 1 刀包和 8 刀包,reddit 上的 讨论

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