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JASONETTE-iOS haskell 渲染库

  •  1
  •   lupino · 2016-11-10 15:21:23 +08:00 · 2057 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2903 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    造了一个 JASONETTE JSON 渲染库,再也不用写蛋疼的 JSON 了

    app :: Jason
    app = jason $ do
      head $ do
        title "Hello World"
        description "This app displays 'Hello World' on the screen"
        styles $
          styleRow "styled_row" $ do
            font "HelveticaNeue"
            size "20"
            color "#ff0000"
            padding "10"
      body $
        sections $
          items $ do
            vertical $
              components $ do
                label "This is row 1" $ class_ "styled_row"
                label "This is row 2" $ class_ "styled_row"
                label "This is row 3" $ class_ "styled_row"
            horizontal $
              components $ do
                button "Button 1" $ class_ "styled_row"
                button "Button 2" $ class_ "styled_row"
                button "Button 3" $ do
                  class_ "styled_row"
                  action $ do
                    type_ "$util.banner"
                    options $ do
                      title "Hello"
                      description "World"


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    VERSION: · 23ms · UTC 23:35 · PVG 07:35 · LAX 16:35 · JFK 19:35
    Developed with CodeLauncher
    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.