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[EMC 上海]-Senior Software Engineer-C#/.NET/C++

  •   g684373 · 2016-09-09 09:51:46 +08:00 · 1690 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2964 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
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    邮箱标题:请使用 Requisition ID_姓名_申请职位(例如: 16845751B_张三_Senior_engineer )
    Requsition ID: 168100BR


    We are looking for senior software engineer to work in the AX (Application Xtender) Team in EMC ECD division, responsible for developing state of the art Content Management products. In your capacity, you will have an opportunity working with world class architects, engineers to develop the cutting-edge technologies. We promote a learning and innovative environment. The assignments may include new products as well as upgrades and enhancements, or fixes to existing products.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    Working with product managers to help define feature requirements
    Working full lifecycle of product development including design, implementation and testing
    Working with architect to validate designs through walk-through, prototypes, and unit testing
    Working with QA in designing and implementing integration and stress/performance tests
    Working with Tech Support and customers regarding customer issues and escalations

    What Do We Need From You?

    Bachelors or Master's Degree in Computer Science or a related discipline
    Good written and verbal English communication skills
    Sound knowledge of computer science fundamentals
    3-5 years ’ experience in software system design and development in a product team
    Experience of full lifecycle of product development including design, implementation and testing
    Solid and hands-on programming experience with C# and/or C++
    Solid experience of developing web/desktop applications
    Solid problem solving skills
    Good understanding of CLR, ADO.Net, WCF, WPF, RESTful Service, JavaScript
    Desired skills

    Highly motivated, detail oriented, creative, and attracted to a challenging opportunity
    Knowledge in Agile methodology, such as XP and SCRUM
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