V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

兼职/Part time 招聘一位兼职 JS 全栈工程师

  •   fangqiao1 · 68 天前 · 927 次点击
    这是一个创建于 68 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Magickbase => Magi(decision-making system), CKB(Common Knowledge Base), Base
    Neuron, a full-node desktop ckb wallet
    CKB Explorer, ckb explorer for the layer1
    GwScan, godwoken explorer for the layer2
    Axon Explorer, axon explorer for the layer2
    Analyzing data from three platforms in the system for decision making and providing
    a controller for users to drive their assets.

    JavaScript Engineer(Full-Time, 40 Hours/Week)
    Develop high-quality web applications and electron-based desktop applications.
    Continuously optimize code, applications, and user interfaces within the codebase.
    Contribute to the development of dev-tools/libs for the entire ecosystem of the Nervos Network CKB project, including a TypeScript-based JS SDK (Lumos) and associated tools.
    Create comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and examples for developed applications and tools.
    Minimum Qualifications
    Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent demonstrable skills and experience.
    Proven experience in front-end development, with a strong familiarity with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, along with a clear understanding of web standards (Accessibility, Security).
    Previous work on diverse front-end scopes, including Node.js applications and electron applications.
    Proficiency in front-end utilities such as scaffolding, CSS preprocessors, and template engines.
    Preferably experienced in React and TypeScript.
    Hands-on experience with React and a strong working knowledge of developing across multiple runtimes like Node.js and modern browsers.
    Knowledge of Blockchain concepts and previous involvement in related product designs.
    Fluent in English for reading and writing.
    Preferred Qualifications
    Active participation in open-source communities.
    Presence on GitHub or a personal blog showcasing relevant work.
    Working knowledge of the UTxO model, particularly in blockchain systems like BTC.
    Previous experience working with decentralized applications (dApps).

    Mail us [email protected]
    其他要求:擅长 C 端页面开发,可以做动画特效;熟悉规则,能处理自适应
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