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Looking for Node JS Full-Stack developers

  •   zbd123 · 299 天前 · 1460 次点击
    这是一个创建于 299 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Company Profile:

    The current focus is the creation of an A-Z infrastructure for iGaming companies - a frontend site CMS platform (using Svelte and Node) and a high-performance, data-driven backend, which includes a specialized CRM rules engine for automating the core business activities in real time.

    integrations with the various elements (payments, games etc)

    in-house game studio for creating our own games (later on the roadmap) - currently, we use 3rd party game providers

    Suppose you are an experienced, motivated developer passionate about your work, with a relevant horizontal-vertical technical background, ready to develop amazing software and assist the junior middle on our exciting journey. In that case, we want you on our team!

    Tech Stack:

    Svelte.js, JS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS - Frontend site/CMS/platform Node.js, Postgres, q/kdb - Backend & core git, Linear/Jira, Atlassian stack - for source control and management (If you are just proficient in REACT/ANGULAR and willing to learn Svelte then that is fine.)

    What you will do:

    Code Assist mentor younger coders Monitor performance efficiency of current stackIT infrastructure Suggest ideas worth implementing to improve performance efficiency Do occasional code reviews with the younger guys


    Degree/Diploma with a specialization in CS, Software Engineering, or other relevant qualification Ability to effectively organize your time and work at a high pace Independence & Team-work Be a result-oriented problem solver English - mostly in writing, (Jira stack is managed in English), but also orally


    Experience with functional programming Understanding of the principles of building IT systems Experience working with leading blockchains/crypto wallets Experience working with AWS cloud, dockers, etc


    3000-6000 USDT


    You need to pass a quiz on Hackerrank if you are selected. CV or resume in English, please.

    2 条回复    2023-12-28 19:49:31 +08:00
       297 天前
       297 天前
    @pagewang monagh2020@outlook
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