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V2EX  ›  jisu20162  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  11
2018-12-29 13:08:49 +08:00
回复了 yansideyu 创建的主题 全球工单系统 华为/荣耀,智能跳过节假日的闹钟今天没响?
2017-09-18 12:35:12 +08:00
回复了 charexcalibur 创建的主题 全球工单系统 慕课网炸了。。。
2017-05-20 00:34:03 +08:00
回复了 Andor_Chen 创建的主题 Python 送几本《流畅的 Python 》
2014-05-09 14:06:23 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
@shoper 用nohup命令会在你的vagex.php脚本同目录下输出个nohup.out文件,下载到本地用文本编辑器打开可以看到输出信息. 但我不知道怎么把nohup的后台转到前台... 看哪位大神知道.. 我一般是ps -e查看PID,把php的PID杀掉.再重新运行... 指定账号 //$v->set_youtube_username('abcdefg'),把前面的//的删掉.abcdefg替换.
2014-05-09 13:58:45 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
@popu111 我三个ip都是在美国,2个亚马逊云主机,1个西雅图vps.应该不存在网速不行的问题吧....今天好像更新了,情况好了点.每天封顶3000个views.好像还准备搞个动态views...
2014-05-08 23:23:49 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
@shoper 我的也是一天了才100多点.
2014-05-08 11:46:46 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
@popu111 我3个IP挂一天才2000多,太坑了...
2014-05-08 00:49:28 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
@popu111 额,服务器重启后过一会又是这样。。怎样更换列表?现在基本上30秒的才能上分。。。
2014-05-06 20:27:19 +08:00
回复了 horsley 创建的主题 分享创造 Vagex Robot Reborn!
最近经常出现这个,都是长时间的... 伤不起啊.
[2014/05/06 20:16:02] [INFO] Deal with item:CFGQtT-IN1g
[2014/05/06 20:16:02] [INFO] Let's sleep for 36 seconds
[2014/05/06 20:16:38] [INFO] Wake up, report processed
[2014/05/06 20:16:38] [INFO] report_processed start
[2014/05/06 20:16:39] [WARN] sever return error msg:Video has been deleted, has
run out of credits or was viewed for the incorrect length
[2014/05/06 20:16:39] [INFO] Fail:
[2014/05/06 20:16:39] [INFO] Deal with item:NJqP4SFTGH0
[2014/05/06 20:16:39] [INFO] Let's sleep for 127 seconds
[2014/05/06 20:18:46] [INFO] Wake up, report processed
[2014/05/06 20:18:46] [INFO] report_processed start
[2014/05/06 20:18:49] [WARN] sever return error msg:Video has been deleted, has
run out of credits or was viewed for the incorrect length
[2014/05/06 20:18:49] [INFO] Fail:
[2014/05/06 20:18:49] [INFO] Deal with item:lhXCC96v-bc
[2014/05/06 20:18:49] [INFO] Let's sleep for 96 seconds
[2014/05/06 20:20:25] [INFO] Wake up, report processed
[2014/05/06 20:20:25] [INFO] report_processed start
[2014/05/06 20:20:27] [WARN] sever return error msg:Video has been deleted, has
run out of credits or was viewed for the incorrect length
[2014/05/06 20:20:27] [INFO] Fail:
[2014/05/06 20:20:27] [INFO] Deal with item:_wsdILX32Qs
[2014/05/06 20:20:27] [INFO] Let's sleep for 157 seconds
[2014/05/06 20:23:04] [INFO] Wake up, report processed
[2014/05/06 20:23:04] [INFO] report_processed start
[2014/05/06 20:23:06] [WARN] sever return error msg:Video has been deleted, has
run out of credits or was viewed for the incorrect length
[2014/05/06 20:23:06] [INFO] Fail:
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