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V2EX  ›  crowtech  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  2
2018-02-25 11:08:42 +08:00
回复了 crowtech 创建的主题 iCloud Apple Privacy 关于马上到来的 iCloud 数据迁移隐私查询的回复
怒怼之,Apple Privacy 再次回复。

Thank you for your reply. Apple has contractual protections in place with GCBD to ensure the protection of data, including with regard to legally binding request for the production of personal information.
2018-01-17 10:16:22 +08:00
回复了 crowtech 创建的主题 Apple Apple ID 成功跑路港区
@hutouaowang2 港区可以选 None 然后靠礼品卡续命,因为我人也在深圳,去一趟香港也方便
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