V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  UglyTroLL  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  7
@webgeekman Sorry first time here, not sure how to attache files, please shoot me an email if you are interested so that I can forward you the psd via mail.
@turing Sorry first time here, not sure how to attache files, please shoot me an email if you are interested in it so that I can forward you the psd via mail.
@lanceli IE6 is 'nice to have', not required.
@Sivan Please check your mail and let me know if you have any questions, thanks
@peizh2006 单位刀的话有点过了,freelancer.com上avg bid也就是30刀/P左右,但是考虑到是中文页面,所以我来这里看看有没有合适的朋友
@ytzong 抱歉,我的意思是现在的页面不复杂,时间只是说明这个问题的不是要定死时间
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